07:25 – 13:00


Tuesdays: English 13:00 -14:00
Wednesdays: Mathematics 13:00 -14:00
Thursdays: Life Skills 13:00 -14:00

  • English Home Language
  • Mathematics
  • Life Skills.

Those parents who have paid for stationery, thank you so much! This will be part of your child’s success in this year. If you have not bought stationery yet, please ask the office for the stationery list and do so as soon as possible.

Be sure to mark each and every item of stationery and place them in ice-cream tubs that are also marked.

Grade R stationery will be kept at school in our storage rooms as we fill up with stationery. The children are still small and need to learn the responsibility of looking after their own things.

Extra clothes:

Be sure to pack an extra shirt, pants, underwear and socks everyday as accidents happen. Even though your child might not have accidents at home, they are still young and can have an accident any time of the year such as bathroom accidents, stomach bugs and vomiting.

Summer Uniform:

  • 2 yellow school golf T-shirt with the school badge for the week
  • 2 navy school elasticated shorts for the week
  • Black tekkies (please no white tekkies)
  • Navy school socks with yellow lines
  • Navy school hat

Winter Uniform:

  • 2 navy golf T-shirts for the week (can use the same ones you purchased for summer)
  • 1 school tracksuit – with navy track pants & navy jacket
  • Navy school socks (please no white socks)
  • Black tekkies (please no white tekkies)
  • 1 navy school long sleeve jersey with the school badge (please no pull over)
  • Navy school gloves (no other colour will be allowed)
  • Navy school beanie (no other colour will be allowed)
  • Navy school scarf (no other colour will be allowed)

It is essential that all items of clothing are labeled with your child’s name. Please begin ordering your winter uniform, to avoid any disappointments.

Homework will be posted weekly via Class Dojo.

Class Dojo

Robotics and coding forms a part of our weekly lessons during school times.

Communication books: These books are the A5 books and are to be sent to school every day with your child in their library bag as a means of communication. Also note that our classes are big therefore we may not always have the time to check these books on daily basis, please ask your child to inform the teacher about any messages.

Class Dojo: We use a free App called Class Dojo to communicate, post homework, reminders and send you lovely photos of our activities in class. You will also be informed about your child’s behaviour immediately through the App.

Class Dojo

If any personal details changed, please inform the register teacher.

All learners in Grade R have 2 set break-times, they are around 10:30 and again at 12:45.

Please pack a healthy lunch so that your child is able to maintain their focus in class.

On Mondays – Thursdays, learners will not be allowed to drink colddrink/juice or to eat any sweets or buy at the tuckshop.

On Fridays learners are allowed to drink juice, eat sweets and buy at the tuckshop.

Please acknowledge the amount of food that your child can eat, as some learners come to school with too much lunch.

We currently have a tuck-shop on the premises and Grade R learners will only be allowed to visit this tuck-shop on Fridays. No more than R20.00 is to be sent with your child for tuck-shop buying.

Your child can also use the Karri App
(Click on image for more info)

Download App (Mobile only)

At every month-end a Make-and-Bake activity will be done based on the theme discussed in class. Teachers will communicate which items will be needed in class for the Friday.

You are welcome to send cupcakes to school for the learners in your child’s classroom, however, ensure that you find out how many children are in the classroom beforehand. Learners are also allowed to wear civvies on their birthdays.

We are NOT allowed to give children any dosage of medication, therefore we advise you not to send any form of medication to school, if your child is sick, inform the teacher and rather handle medication by yourselves at home. In the event of a child having asthma, the pump can be sent to school and the teacher will keep it for emergency cases.

We have more than enough of our own toys for learners to play with, therefore, ensure that your child doesn’t bring any toys from home.

  • Let your child help you in the kitchen, it requires numeracy skills to measure ingredients.
  • Alphabets – Sounds and letter formation especially important (take notes)
  • Read to your child every day and encourage them to ‘picture read’ by making up stories by looking at pictures.
  • Invite guests over and encourage interaction with visitors or playing with other kids to help them develop social skills.
  • Jigsaw puzzles are an excellent way to teach your child to think logically. No need to go out and buy them, just cut up a cereal box.
  • Your child must be able to draw a distinguishable picture with all body parts and not by drawing stick arms/legs.
  • Your child must know how to use a scissor correctly.
  • Your child must know his/her name and surname verbally.
  • Your child must know how to write his/her name.
  • Your child should be able to go to the toilet by himself/herself.
  • Your child should be taught how to tie their shoelaces.
  • Your child must know their birthday and age (Month and day)
  • Your child must know their address and contact numbers of their parent/guardian.
  • If the register teacher raises a concern in any area, please partner with her in order to best help your child. We do this for the best interest of your child.



Mrs Adrie Oosthuizen

(Head of department)

Mrs Lea Kruger

GrR-B “Butterfly class”
First Aid Trained

(Grade Head)

Mrs Yvonne Smal

GrR-A “Dragonfly class”
(First Aid Trained)